Kris Zinkievich, Director
Kris Zinkievich taught music in public schools for 36 years. He began his career in Newburgh, New York. He moved to Maryland in 1989 to pursue a masters in Music education at the University of Maryland. After graduate school Kris taught in the Baltimore County Public school system for three years before settling in Montgomery County. Over the span of his career, he has taught students at both the elementary and secondary levels. Kris began his barbershop journey in 2001 when he joined the Patapsco Valley Chapter. Since then, he has directed The Montgomery County and Germantown chapters and performed with the Alexandria Harmonizers. Kris is currently singing tenor with a seniors quartet called Silver Alert. His past quartets include 4 Madmen and Gentlemen’s Blend. As the director of the Heart of Maryland Chorus, Kris feels as if he has finally returned home.
Assistant Directors

Biff Gaut joined the Heart of Maryland Chorus in 2023 and became an Assistant Director and Baritone Section Leader in 2024. Having previously been a member of the Barbershop Society from 1986-2001, he is thrilled to finally be returning to the art form that he loves. Although a new member of the chapter, he brings extensive experience, directing the Bull Run Troubadours Chorus for 5 years, including a Southern Division Small Chorus Championship; and singing with the Alexandria Harmonizers for 6 years, winning Gold and Bronze medals, the latter while serving as the Baritone Section Leader. Along the way, he competed at Division and District quartet contests with The Unfourgettables, The Doppler Effect and Cameo. During his sabbatical, he directed the Youth Choir of Mill Creek Parish, UMC for 10 years. While away, he always considered himself a Barbershopper, and the alto parts in his Youth Choir arrangements often feature a very Baritone like swipe.

George Korch, PhD is an Assistant Director of the Patapsco Valley Chapter of BHS, a role that he has held since 2018. George, who sings baritone and tenor, started his barbershop career in 1991 with the Heart of Maryland chorus and has enjoyed every year since of great singing and entertaining with this group. He has served as Music VP for a number of years as well as Baritone Section Leader since 2005. He is also a current member of the Parkside Harmony Chorus, Hershey, PA, singing baritone, and was delighted to perform on the International Stage with them in 2024, earning a Bronze medal. George has been an active participant in the Atlantic Harmony Brigade for the past fifteen years and served as President for two of those years. He has been a member of a number of BHS-registered quartets, most notably 3 Wise Men, Ear Candy and Decades, singing with several of these at District level competitions.