Singing Valentine Order Form Please reserve early so we can do our best to honor all requests! 410-788-4595 Sender Information Your Name * Your Phone * Your Email Delivery Information To Name * Delivery Address * Delivery Time * 9am-12pm 12pm-3pm 3pm-6pm 6pm-9pm Delivery Instructions Include any additional information needed to make the delivery, such as a contact at the delivery address, special parking or driving directions, etc.. Quartet Enter the name of a quartet or chorus member if you would like to request a specific quartet. We will do our best to honor all requests. If you don't know or have no preference, please say "No Preference" Package Package * Singing Valentine delivered by phone ($25)Singing Valentine, delivered in-person with rose ($50) Please select a singing valentine package. The standard package is $50 at the early-bird price, and all packages include a love song we will sing for you and your sweetheart!